
So many desires

I'm in a serious need of unnecessary things at the moment. Maybe it's because it's the holiday season so I keep thinking of shopping and sales and whatnot. Maybe it's because I just have senioritis and can't focus on schoolwork. Maybe it's because I'm more fashion conscientious in general (freaking Gossip Girl, ugh). I don't know what it is but I just can't stop wanting. basically. everything. So I'm going to let my frustration out by listing everything I want :)

I want...
_100 things of different clothing pieces (casual shirts; dressy shirts; dresses; jeans; cardigans; coats; scarves; hats; you name it, i want it)
_100 pairs of shoes
_100 handbags/clutches/pairs of earrings
_to donate $100 to LiNK
_God to give me some sort of "sign." like in bruce almighty. even that kind of sign is fine. i just need a sign.
_more dreams
_anyone to say anything nice to me each day. something meaningfully nice.
_more hugs
_more people to say "hey jane" instead of just "hey" or "whats up." i don't know what it is but i love hearing my name; it makes it seem like i have a personal-enough relationship with that person. (do you see the pattern here? i guess i just need more love in my life..)
_to get my braces off NOW (but i think i'm getting them off next month so i'm kind.of.excited.)
_more time in a day to be able to do all the crap i have to do + read jodi picoult/others + write more in my blog or whatever.
_to be able to wake up in the morning at 545 each day to go run to the beach. but it's so cold and i'm so not athletic and i hate running and i don't like that people in the cars might be watching me fail at running and gah, the list goes on about why i don't run in the morning-- or heck, run at all..
_more will power, i supppppppose
_to have a pen pal
_to go to korea so badly
_to travel anywhere! anywhere.
_to volunteer for a cause i strongly believe in (human rights/water=my #1)
_a pet companion (preferably a dog. like a jack russell. or a west highland white terrier. a cat= russian blue)
_more visible sunsets
_winter wonderland (aka snow)
_to know how my future is going to be exactly
_more people i want to hang out with to want to hang out with me
_to send in a secret to postsecret that'll be featured on the website
_a car. . . . desperately needed.
_LAPTOP. more desperately needed.
_to paint my walls robin-egg blue
_a michael kors/juicy couture/fendi watch
_a white christmas tree
_to celebrate christmas in nyc/boston (i will do this someday.)

& much more probably. the list is endless.

merry christmas!


December Frenzy

Common application. Supplemental "short answer" essays to write for 8 schools.
Michelle Trinh's birthday.
Church Christmas project.
Youth & Government White Elephant.
Sleepover at Kim's.
Parent's wedding anniversary.

Stress is burdened upon my shoulders once again as I try to figure out how to handle work with fun. There is simply not enough hours in a day. I wish we had 30-hr days..

Christmas is in less than three weeks away! Unfortunately, I am a poor, broke bugger :'( I am only able to get my best friends gifts this year: Kim, Kevin, Michelle. I wish I could spend $200 like everybody else for my other good friends' Christmas presents as well.. But I believe that Christmas should be a time of giving/receiving love! Not just materials we're bound to throw away sometime sooner or later.. Remember "The Gift of the Magi"? In the end, the couple just gave each other love and gratitude. Oh! But it's not like I'm not giving my other friends NOTHING. I'm giving them baked goodies I'm pretty excited about baking. I'm just worried about the time crunch. I have so much to do, I just reminded myself..

So off I go yet again.


Christmas is here! (almost)

The past week was hell. I need to sleep. My conscience is just going to set an early New Year's resolutions list for me:
1. Finish busywork homework (such as tedious stats/anatomy/korean homework) by 7pm each day. It's not even hard. You just procrastinate. You need to manage your freaking time more wisely from now on. Guh, you piss me off, Jane Park.
2. You need to set a bedtime. You haven't had a bad time since you were in elementary school, I think. And you need your beauty sleep; beauty sleep = burning more calories, growing at least an inch more by 2011, looking more awake, and being a happier, not crankier, person.
3. Your allowance is $10 a week. Get a job after apps, for sure.
I think she's done nagging me.. Ha.

Anyway, so I calculated how much applications would cost me. Would you like to know?
Envelopes: $15
Stamps: $20
CollegeBoard score reports: $119
Application: $765
Gifts of gratitude for teachers who wrote me letters: $30
Total: $949
Can you say, "HOLY FREAKING COW"!? REALLY? Spending nearly $1000 on colleges that could all potentially reject me. I hate them.

Dang it. I was in a writing mood so I was going to write an hour's worth of freely-flowing blog post, but I got preoccupied by homework and I don't want to write anymore. Goodbye until next time.